Ron and Joan

Ron and Joan

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Sunday 3 June 07

We are all happy that Mum is home. She is quite recovered from how sick she was last week with the infection, but still gets puffed quickly and has coughing episodes. She’s pottering around home and garden and has a few appointments lined up for this week. As far as treatment goes, we see the oncologist in a few weeks for follow up (no plans for chemo); and radiation oncology is not thought to be helpful at this stage.

Dad is very settled and content – sleeping most of the time. He rotates from lounge to chair to dining table to bathroom. He said he was just going to ‘loaf’ today (ha ha), and wants to be covered up, rugged up, warmed up all the time. Aside from a good breakfast and drink, he’s not interested in eating very much for the past few days. He is still on Dexamethasone for the brain swelling but now radiotherapy is finished, he can be reduced off it. Only on his usual puffers and no need for painkillers at all, thank the Lord.

After we told Dad about Mum’s lung cancer (Wed) he was flat, shocked, stunned then emotional then angry. He was so sad and teary. Later that day and the next, he seemed more settled, less agitated (than he’d previously been) and less connected. Maybe he had needed us to tell him what he thought we had been keeping from him. As though he knew and finally had his questions resolved.

On Friday morning (6am pitch dark) I heard him moving around and I came in to find him bright and glowing, sitting there next to the bed in the wheelchair with his dressing gown and ugh boots on! He said he thought it was the middle of the day because it had been so light. He asked me how the kids were and where Mum was (hospital) and was she OK? (Kidneys better, still coughing) then he reassured himself, "you told me, didn’t you?" He was very accepting, happy and content, wasn’t sure if he would stay up, but went back to bed. He went through everyone, telling me how much he loves them, then he asked himself, "Shall we go now? No I’m just going to sleep." He started almost singing to the Lord, "Love you, bless you, praise you" over and over. It was beautiful (awesome and scary). He’s been praising and blessing God since. Something really changed.

On Saturday, I read the little daily verses (from A. Vera) for Fri and Sat. . .
Isaiah 60:1 Arise, Shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.
Proverbs 4:18 The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter till the full light of day.
Today’s (Sun) Psalm 43:3 Send forth Your light and your truth, let them guide me; let them bring me to your holy mountain.

Chris and I are here almost constantly. Tom has had time off to have the kids, and come/go from here. Mark has had some days off, too, and Michelle was sick home from school all last week. Mark’s Dad is into hospital for an operation this week, could be serious. He went missing for a few hours Friday and Mark was frantic looking for him, but he’d had a fall outside a Dr’s surgery near the shops, and was patched up before they sent him home. It will be tricky whilst he’s in hospital because he is Mrs Sawa’s carer and she can not manage alone.

Thanks to everyone for love, prayers, support and practical help. I know I feel joy and happiness every day, the privilege of being here and being together, as well as struggle and grief. We are so blessed and the presence of the Lord is with us.
Warmest thoughts and love,
Beth for
Ron, Joan
Chris, Mark, Michelle
Tom, Steve, Leah and Ruben

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