Ron and Joan

Ron and Joan

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Mum in hospital

Sunday night - Monday am 12.20
Mum has been sick this weekend. She has now been admitted to the Canberra hospital (Woden) at 8pm tonight for a serious kidney infection. Mum’s kidneys are very big with large orange sized cysts and they usually function well. We actually had a gold star run through Casualty and she was seen, assessed, tests and review in rapid order. The specialist (Carney) who looks after her for polycystic kidneys has accepted her under his care, even though he’s not ‘on’. We only saw the GP (for other stuff) on Friday afternoon and were due to see Carney on Monday (tomorrow, oops, today). Dad is due over there at the hospital for 3rd radiotherapy tomorrow/Monday at 1130.

Dad is distressed. He has been so worried about her, that we were keeping something from him, and now she’s ‘new’ sick, he’s not reassured. I have been staying overnight as he needs full assistance. Chris has been here till just now. Tom has taken tonight’s night duty off.
Please pray for Mum’s full and rapid recovery, and release from hospital as soon as possible. And for peace, assuage Dad’s distress.
With Love,

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