Ron and Joan

Ron and Joan

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Dad's test results - December 2006

9 Dec 2006, 10am

A week ago, Dad had an Xray prior to a routine appointment with chest specialist (for emphysema). Unexpectedly, multiple nodules were seen in his lungs (new since last Xrays in April). Since then he’s had CAT scan and lung biopsy, and the thoracic physician has already said it is bad news. We go today (Sat 9th) at midday to see him for results.

9 Dec 2006, 10pm Well, the news is indeed bad, and surprising. The nodules in his lung are not bronchogenic carcinoma, but are in fact malignant melanoma metastases. No idea at this stage where the primary melanoma is or location /number of lesions there may be elsewhere so a PET scan is being organised. The specialist is referring Dad to an oncologist as soon as possible for assessment and care. Surgery and radiotherapy are not options. There is no way at this stage to say what the future holds in respect to time left, interventions to try, or likely progress. Chemotherapy may?? be an option, but unable to say if it would help slow the growth at all, and would not ‘fix’ for long (I think).
We have been so blessed this week to have all this done without drama or distress. God’s grace has surely been covering us. We are very grateful the doctor handled everything swiftly and compassionately and that he was the one to tell us the news. There will be many upsets ahead, and we are trying to face things positively and honestly. Rational and emotional reactions . . .

Thanks for love and care, please ask God for healing (yep, pray for a miracle), strength to fight and peaceful acceptance – in the right order.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

So afterwards . . .Steve had Air Cadet's end of year parade so we all went out to watch (and clap). It was a lovely afternoon and Dad enjoyed himself (afternoon tea in the mess hall was a hit) and he had fun meeting an air marshall and a major general. We took some family pictures because it is not often we are all together and someone else can take a pic for us. Then home to make some phone calls . . .

Monday, 11 December 2006

Dad went to Calvary physio for respiratory 'rehab' which was booked weeks ago, and will still be of benefit to keep him fit and exercising under supervision and monitoring.

Chris had investigations for possible Coeliac disease (gluten intolerance)and Michelle was off school with a sick tummy. Mum was unwell so she is also off to get checked out.
Phone calls back and forward with specialist’s office – so now Dad has appointment with oncologist tomorrow and no PET unless ordered by oncologist.

Tuesday, 12 December 2006
Hi there again,
We went with Dad to oncologist today. He has ordered PET scan (look for 'hotspots' whole body) which will be sometime next 3 weeks and then back to him mid January. He's not talking chemotherapy yet, but will next visit. Says to enjoy holidays and being reasonably well. He prefers to not making people sick with chemotherapy when they're doing OK. Should not affect success (relative) of chemo if begun later. Melanoma very unpredictable type of cancer, can be aggressive or regress, can respond to treatment or not. Did not give any expectation or likely progression. He was encouraging life enjoyment, but advised Dad not to try scuba diving or Everest climb.

Love to all,
Beth and Tom, Steven, Leah, Ruben
For the whole family

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